
What’s incredible to me is the ability to be so excited about something, to be willing to put time, money, heart into a project and/or a passion yet when it comes down to really moving it forward – to showing it off to family, friends, strangers – so many of us back down. Which is what I’ve done, over and over again. I’ve allowed my fire to be smothered by my own assumptions and projections of what other might think of me and stopped any idea of what I previously wanted to go after. With feeling all of that, and allowing seven months between posts, why am I back at it?

An old friend from high school began blogging about her life, and you know what I thought? Why did I stop doing that?! It seems like such a simple way to share, and it’s so wonderful to read for someone who is seeing her posts. Why should I believe that anyone would feel differently about my own blog? So here I am, feeling a re-ignited joy and determination for sharing my wellness, my story, and my continuing journey through finding health as told by my body.

There was a reason I wanted to really focus on all aspects of life, not just nutrition, because in my opinion, it’s all connected. Stress of what people think, well that leads to adrenaline, which leads to any number of outcomes (for me is goes anxiety+emotionally eating+self-hate/self-doubt). Our minds, bodies, emotions, and environments are all created with each other in mind, yet that seems to have been forgotten over the development of Western medicine – or worse, not taught in the first place. This is something I’m still trying to really grasp in my every day moments, but it always comes back to me one way or another, usually after I’ve slipped back into my old habits (see a common equation posted a few sentences ago). Finding a balance between want and need, between yes and no, it all effects who we are as a whole. And leading a holistic life has a major requirement of constantly finding the harmony within ourselves. This is not an easy task, at least not here, in a society that values quantity over quality, at least not for me.

So I’m back, posting again because every time I try something new, whether it continues on or stops dead in its track, I learn something about new about myself in every area. So I’m going to continue on, and I’m going to keep pushing through my fear. Because this is what I want to do: I want to share my experiences and struggles in the hope that it helps others through their own. I want to create a community of holism like many others in the world.

Look out for my next post. It’ll have better detail of what has been happening on my side of the screen!